Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The World Beneath The Surface

Now I know that everyone is unfortunately psychotic (psychotic: (adj.) out of touch with reality)
And I have to take measures to stay sane.

This really takes a great deal of mental discipline.
Like Neo in the matrix,
We have to learn to see the world beneath the surface.

While most people are focusing on effects,
We have to focus on the causal reality.

Now I understand why certain companions are not good for my life;
I don't need crazy people around me constantly reinforcing duality.

I need to see absolute divine unity.

So I will ask myself the following questions unceasingly until my brain recovers from the amnesia of the masses:

What is God doing in this situation?
How is He acting through this person?
What is He showing me for my soul's expansion?
Why is my soul choosing to experience this right now?
How is He loving me right now?
How is He loving others right now?
What Divine Attributes are manifesting in this situation?
What does wisdom's eye see in all of this?
What are the benefits of this situation?
As a representative of God, what, if anything, should I do now?

Hopefully, with constant vigilance, effort and prayer,
I can uncover from my brain the dross of incorrect mental programming
And live in reality,
The world of causes,
The world underneath the world
Where God does His most impressive work,
Simply because there, it is unveiled.

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