Friday, January 31, 2014

The Responsive One

You show me that You've been listening to my prayers.
How is it that you never cease to surprise and impress me?

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Vampires in Eternity

Where have I been?
Do you think that I forgot about You,
The cause of my strength, my peace, and my joy?

The world is full of vampires that make you think that they are nourishing you
While they suck your blood.
Don't give yourself over into their hands.

Recognize what nourishes you and what drains you.
Discernment is essential if we are to live fully in the time that we are given.

Of course, do not lament lost time,
We have eternity after all.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

A Divine Cure

I've discovered the secret meaning of:
'Physician heal thyself.'
When a healer reaches for a divine cure for their patient
They inevitably visit a realm of grace
Where they can't help but to be healed themselves!
Oh, what a universe we have.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Live in Paradise

In paradise, good and bad no longer exist,
Rather 'All things work together for the good of those who love Him.'
Perception is everything.
Be grateful
Live in paradise
You have the choice.

God in love with God!

Today I remembered again,
Everything is God in love with God!
Oh what a glorious universe this is!

Before Satisfying Us

Every need,
Every desire
Is a gift from God.
He likes to whet our appetites
Before satisfying us.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Infinity so Palpable in the Air

There is infinite energy in this universe.
It is where we came from,
What sustains us,
Who we are!

Do the fruits of the earth ever get tired of growing to sustain humanity, even after thousands of years?

So sometimes, why do I think that I don't have enough time?
Or that I lack the resources to help someone,
Or to accomplish my goals,
Or to be happy,
Or to be loved?

'The devil promises you poverty and inclines you to behave with gross indecency.'

I have to remember that there is infinite energy,
There are infinite resources
Infinite time, infinite love...
Infinity is where we came from and where we are going.
It is all that really exists in the underlying fabric of this moment too.

How did I ever get tricked into thoughts of scarcity
With infinity so palpable in the air around me?!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How Our Relationship Began- An Invitation

One day some years ago when I was meditating and noticed lights in the air around me,
I recognized my angel company,
So I told them,
'I know that you can't eat,
And I want to share the joy of eating with you,
So come taste through my tasting."

That was how our relationship began,
With an invitation.
Since then they have shared an abundance of divine nourishment with me.

Gabriel Beckons

Sometimes when humans disappoint,
Archangel Gabriel beckons me
'Don't you know that I'm better company?'

Monday, January 13, 2014

Konya in My Heart

Twice I dreamed of going to Konya.
And twice forces of darkness seemed to conspire against me.

But then it became apparent that Rumi had brought his home to my heart!
So we've been writing poetry together for days....

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Finally I can whirl!!
I said I only wanted whirling in the original way.
You know, the way it all started,
When love became so heavy on the heart of a lover that it exploded out through the body and caused ecstatic dancing!
The other kinds of turning just make me dizzy.

The Healer of Hearts

I lay down
and put on spiritual music this morning
I had a spontaneous healing meditation:

As I relaxed angel Gabriel appeared and took my spirit to an angel dimension I have visited before in meditation.
He took me to a fountain to cleanse and heal me.
As I looked in the reflection I saw that I was wounded- with a black eye and cuts and wounds on my arms and negative energies in my space - representing the pain from my broken heart and struggles.
Thank God He took me out of those situations to better things.

Gabriel put his hand on my face and said, with love, 'Don't worry, this pain is only going to make you stronger.'

Gabriel did some healing and wrote love on my arms, drawing henna on them and on my hands! It was so beautiful. Then he bathed me in an angelic energy embrace for a while and I felt quite nice.

God is great and generous! Perhaps becoming aware of my hurt this earlier morning invoked a healing.

He responds to the broken hearted,
Oh, what a Healer of Hearts we have!!!

Everyone is Resurrected

I saw a spiritual movie last night,
The Circle of Iron,
Where a woman was crucified by her husband.
Men can do that,
Crucify women.
But take comfort,
Like Jesus
Everyone who is crucified is resurrected.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Can I Breathe You In?

I tried to teach my friend a breathing meditation,
I said with every breath you breath out anything heavy,
Negative emotions, qualities which are inconsistent with your soul,
Darkness, borrowed aberrant energies,
And then you breath in light, love, beauty, perfect qualities, and grace.

He said, can I breathe you in?
I said no...
But then again, aren't we all divine love, beauty and perfection?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Dripping with Sweetness

My mood, disposition and demeanor can change throughout the day.
Depending on how spiritually nourished I feel,
I go from moderately loving as a status quo,
To dripping with sweetness on a good day.