Sunday, May 31, 2015


We've come to a time when one has to go against popular culture to survive.


It comes to the point where, you can FEEL
Inside your chest,
If something feeds your soul or not.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Rahman, The Compassionate

Rahman, The Compassionate
I contemplated my name,
God's great name,
A name that implies no wrong was ever done,
Different from the Merciful or Forgiving,
Rahman is the one who understood you from the start.


Impoverished is he who repeats mistakes without learning from them.

Malleable Structures

Humanity exists in malleable structures of society
One divine being can change everything.

Monday, May 18, 2015

A Courtesy

Speaking is sometimes a courtesy now,
The real communication is already happening on another level.

Friday, May 15, 2015

A Happy Disposition

If you have a happy disposition
You've got one foot out of the matrix already.

Scaling the Mountain

I've been scaling a metaphorical mountain now for a couple of months,
And I am learning to cut loose that which burdens me.

Now, I constantly find strong hand holds,
I seek lightness,
And that which lifts me higher.


Even saints are human underneath.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Peace is the Proof

I wondered how close I was to God;
I wanted to gauge my progress.

I realized that nothing is upsetting me anymore.
I take this as a sign of growth.

God is Alive

Today I felt such joy at seeing the spring flowers,
It was as if I’d never seen flowers before!

Really, I never saw pastels in the sunset,
Like I saw tonight.

I laughed out loud with joy at the sights.

So this is what it’s like when God is alive in you!


There's something majestic in the sunrise, isn’t there?
The whole world lights up in that beauty.
It’s like that when our souls finally rise from their slumber
And when God dawns inside of us,
And we see this life anew.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Show Love

When new people visit my spiritual center sometimes I think,
If I don't show them love who will?

Zikr Breathing Meditation

When you breathe out you say
"Nothing exists but God"
And when you breathe in
You breathe in God...
Do you believe it?!
You breathe in God.

Breathing Meditation

In one breath everything can change.

Saturday, May 9, 2015


    Many of us living in the day to day grind of the world seek to find our value from external measures.  We look to titles, physical objects and acquisitions, and approval from others to show us our worth.

    While we are mirrors for each other, and can learn from what we see around us, our true value must come from within.  If we look to these ephemeral sources for our feelings of worth, we will never be satisfied with ourselves.  We cannot be good enough in that sense.  And we put an undue burden on our fellow brothers and sisters in seeking endless approval.

    However, when we look to the True Source of self worth within ourselves we can feel satisfied and sustained beyond anything we have known from earthly sources.

     If you seek your inner source, your soul, your Divinity, then you will find it.  Spending quiet time in nature, meditating, listening to spiritual music, or talking about the small miracles of life with spiritually-minded friends can help you to get in touch with what is real, and you will feel your fullness.  You will be a king or queen on the earth when you find your worth within.

Monday, May 4, 2015

An Infant Soul/See What It Becomes

Sometimes I hold my soul in the center of my chest like a baby.

Resembling a ball of rippling water,
This light pulsates.

It rests near my heart and seems so delicate.
Yet I know it has within it the power that creates universes.

Still, for now, I shelter it inside,
Not letting any aberrant energies approach.

Let this soul incubate for a while
And see what it becomes!!!

A Soul Giving Birth To Itself

I felt the earthquake in my center,
In my solar plexus.

It was an expansive pain,
Like a soul giving birth to itself,
Necessarily destroying the earth around it,
In order to build anew.

That is what the earth is doing now,
And I feel the sympathy pains.

I pray for a graceful expansion for us all.

Breathe Light

At this point I have to breathe light
Or I might as well not breathe at all.