Saturday, April 25, 2015


I was patient,
Until even Patience herself said "This is enough,"
And circumstances fell in my favor. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

A Soul Running Around Bare

Sometime I see myself,
A soul running around bare.

Should I put something on, I wonder?
But why cover this eternal light with any temporal traits.


Your own soul is your savior.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Vision of Heaven

I had a preview of my death experience:
First I saw all of the saints, prophets, and heavenly beings welcoming me to heaven,
But something was missing...

Then I saw with my ascending soul,
All of the souls on the earth ascending too, in their time,
And in that vision was true bliss.

Drink Light

We are people who drink in light
Wherever we find it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Hidden Treasures and Manifest Grace

If you can give hope
And then give materially as well,
Then that is the evidence which is needed;
You will be both God’s hidden treasures and manifest grace.

Give Hope

God told me,
If you have nothing else to give,
Give hope.

Not A Breaker of Hearts

Someone brought me something that did not please me completely.
This must not be for me, I said.
I had expected more from God.

My friend said,
Are you making deals with God?
You give something and He returns more?

No, I replied.
It is not so much about making a deal as knowing His character;
I know He does not want to disappoint me.
He is not a God who breaks hearts.

How We Really Feel

My soul told my friend's soul such a sweet promise tonight:
I will love you as long as the heavens and the earth exist and then even after that.
That is how we all really feel about each other anyway.

Instead of Reacting

Instead of reacting,
Stop and ask your soul,
Ask God
What should I do?

Flawed Thinking

I am the Creator of my reality,
So to be afraid that something could happen TO me
Is flawed thinking.


You can NEVER successfully escape negativity, grief or bad experiences while existing in the three dimensional world, who's nature is by definition duality.
Transcend and escape.