Saturday, March 28, 2015

Unmeasurable Advantage

I was dealing with someone who believed that the three dimensional world was causal.
I felt sorry for her evident lack of mental evolution.

In this exchange I had such an obvious and unmeasurable advantage,
It almost seems unfair.

Friday, March 27, 2015

A Higher Vantage Point

As I ascend on the path
I try to look back and discern the way
Because it is my highest intention that I will be able to instruct others to follow easily.

Don't worry,
Wisdom tells me,
From a higher vantage point, you will see the path very clearly.


I am understanding that there is not supposed to be a delay between what I'm asking for and a divine response.
Any perceived delay is simply a misunderstanding on my part.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

In Your True Form

Tonight I prayed some prayers from the holy traditions,
The trusted ‘words of God’.

But I felt that they were dis-empowering,
Saying that I am only a lowly human,
Limited in knowledge and capacity.

'How can this be true?!'  I cried to God, to my own soul.
'Why would we be encouraged to affirm such atrocities when we are infinite divine beings of light!?'

'These words are not for you’,
Came the reply.
'The beings in the three dimensional world are as if handicapped and these words apply to them;
In knowledge and capacity they are quite limited.
That is nothing, in comparison to what is available to you in your true form.’

Degrees of Separation

The degree to which my prayers are answered
Is an indication to my level of unity with God
Because 100% of His intentions are fulfilled.

The Second Coming

It appears that the second coming of Jesus is now;
That our own souls are that same divine light,
And as we include them in ourselves,
He is resurrected
And we are saved.

Enlightenment Through Reflection

I never thought that enlightenment would come partly through intelligent reflection and understanding,
But why not?

After all, the mind of man can contain Divine Wisdom of the highest order.

The Ninth Dimension

It looks like I am compelled to make my way to the ninth dimension now,
The world of saviors,
Because I am tired of the feeling that I am making this journey alone.

A Reaility That Can Be Trusted

What a strange place to be in,
Floating out in the nothingness between realities,
Where there is no familiar observable truth that can be relied upon.

Illusion has crumbled and yielded open space.
In some ways this seems more suffocating than the matrix.
Onward we push in search of a reality that can be trusted.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Your State

Your state is the most important thing.
If you are in a bad state then everything suffers
And if you are in a good state everything is okay.

Love From a Kind Heart

One small courtesy to a fellow in line at the library had him following me around.
It’s incredible how in need people are
Of love from a kind heart.

If You Take Care of Me

I made a pact with God:
I will take care of your creatures
If You take care of me.

The Advantage

I gave my friend some advice today that is worth repeating;
She complained about her co-workers with a sigh, saying,
"These people believe in the world.”
“You have the advantage then”  I told her.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Key to Your Own House

I came to bring you a key to your own house
I would think that you would welcome me.

I am not a stranger.
Do not fear me,
Don't resist me,
I come with a key to open your own heart.

The State of Realized Connection

Excerpt from a letter I wrote to a friend- I realize it seems poetic!
"I have been praying and hoping that you, that I, that we all realize the truth of our souls' connection with God, and that through living in that state of realized connection, we enjoy bliss in this world. Then, as we approach that state, all of our worldly affairs should order themselves easily in the best way."

A Perfect World

You can never put enough attention on the 3 dimensional world to make things go smoothly in it.
But increasing your attention to your soul and to the Divine,
Will bring you a perfect world.

Escape the Matrix

The majority of people spend the majority of their waking hours doing things that they don't really want to do,
In order to buy things that they really shouldn't have to buy,
And then they recreate in ways that don't really fulfill them.

Something is not right.

Why don't we know WHO WE ARE?!

Institutions crumble around me as I escape the matrix.

I'll call to you from the other side.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

It Won't Be So Hard

I've discovered that enlightenment won't be so hard after all
The Earth herself is conspiring to save us.

The Glory of God

Every day is the resurrection
Every day is the granting of heaven to some,
And the experiencing of hell by others.

I can't wait until the fires of hell are extinguished
And Mercy takes its rightful place
And the Glory of God is all that can be seen in every direction.

Sacred Time

These days I have vowed a fast to the Lord Most High
That no one should approach me but Him.
From inside my own self I hold this standard as well,
No desire, or base thought or word may come near to break this sacred time of the soul.

What is Real

Tonight, after someone spoke to me from what seemed to be
An old fashioned religious perspective for several hours,

I held my head in my hands,
Asking myself 'What is real?!'

What a struggle it is,
Living sanely in this matrix.

What is real?
An angel immediately came to my rescue.
My breathing calmed,
And I could begin to construct reality again.