Saturday, November 28, 2015

A Healing Place

I spent the night under a cross on a hill,
In the embrace of the wings of Archangel Michael,
In the Sacred Heart of Mary.

The Greatest Gifts

One of the greatest gifts gained from following the prophets,
Is learning to act towards others
In a way that protects, purifies, and heals oneself.

Personal Preferences

After spending a day with God,
I lose all personal preferences.

Now I know the meaning of "pure heart"
And of the word surrender.


I have never known the value of
"Forgive us as we forgive those who have trespassed against us"
Until now.

Compassion is an incredible treasure.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I am Rumi... Print Copies Available!

Print copies of I am Rumi, Where is my Shams are now available.  Email to order.  The Kindle version is also available on Amazon. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Eternal Tablet

God's Breath

The breeze blows God's breath across my face,
And my body softens into a flag of surrender
Blowing in His wind.

The Same Power

I asked God,

How can I have the same power that You have?
The power that moves mountains with faith,
That calms seas and makes them surmountable,
That gives life to the dead,

I already breathe You in on my breaths,
Is there something else I should say,
Some powerful words...?

Don't say anything at all, He said.

A Living Martyr

Sunday, September 6, 2015

I am Rumi, Where is my Shams?

Check out my NEW spiritual poetry storybook!!!

Based on a true story, in this exciting tale the author takes us on an adventure to Turkey to discover the answer to life’s most important questions: Who am I?  Why am I here?  How can I become all that I am meant to be?

Travel with our character Rumi as he visits historic Istanbul, attends a secret whirling dervish retreat in Yalova, learns an ancient meditation technique, falls in love, visits the burial place of his namesake, and more!  

As you watch the protagonist’s life fill with meaning, you too will be inspired!

Read more and purchase by clicking below! 
If you are interested in ordering a hard copy email me.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Lover and Beloved

I like to have a foot in duality,
Because I can still take turns with God;

Sometimes I am the Lover,
And sometimes the Beloved.

The Affirmation of Divine Unity

The affirmation of divine unity
Has secrets within it,
Secrets that can game every system.

A Spiritual Scientist

I am a spiritual scientist and my own body is my experiment.

Soul Twin


Shame, regret and conformity are the enemies of self-expansion.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

In the Presence of My God

I have learned the secret to life.

As a great teacher once taught me:
Whatever comes let it come,
Whatever goes let it go.
In the presence of my God what shall I fear?

So now I stay in the presence of God and relax.

Saturday, July 11, 2015


Connecting with one’s soul gives one a sense of their place in eternity
Which is a far vaster than this little human life appears to be.

Give them What they Need/My Sustainer

God put a life in my hands
A new friend.

I prayed, 
Let me give them what they need,
And You are my Sustainer.

Evil Eye Prayer

I was violently ill,
Just for part of a night.
And my friend told me,
Maybe someone caused this!

I said,
God is my only causer and effector.
But if anyone did look at me with bad eyes,
I should pray that it go back to them.

And so I prayed,
If anyone looked at me and felt jealous of my life,
Give them improved living conditions and gratitude.
If they were jealous of my piety,
Give them improved faith and gratitude.
If they were jealous of my relationships,
Give them a satisfying relationship with You.
If they were jealous of my beauty
Make them more beautiful on the inside and out.

God, if anyone looks at me, the name of your Compassion, with a fire in their heart,
Then cool the fire and satisfy them with something better.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Friday, June 26, 2015

Breathe in Light- Admission

All of the worldly titles don't matter now

It's your ability to breathe in light that gains you admission here.

Trust is Developed

Sometimes when you see no signs of Him anywhere,
That is the perfect time to strengthen your relationship,

Trust is developed in such circumstances.

The Thunder

Tonight I had one of those nights..

You know those beautiful nights;

When you're praying,
And the thunder roars at exactly the right moment,
And you know it's for you.

It's God saying Amen.

A Modern Day Psalm

Your knowledge, oh Lord,
Is greater than Wikipedia.
You hasten to bring me answers,
Like a speedy wifi connection
Or like Amazon's new one day delivery. 

Your sweetness God,
Is more delicious than GMO corn.
Your love,
Is like a thousand Valentine's days,
Without the calories from chocolate and excess commercialism.

God, You are as forgiving as our bodies
Which we stuff full of junk food, and bad habits,
But which continue to serve us unrelentingly for years.

Your wisdom God,
Is like Google... Infinite.

Your patience,
Is like drivers in rush hour traffic who choose not to honk.

Your kindness is those strangers that smile
And still open doors.

Your power is in the planes that carry us around the globe.

Your creativity is like the iPhone creators,
Never ceasing to produce new products.
Your planning is better than my GPS.

Your responsiveness is like phone help lines...
No, You do better than that!
(They're mostly outsourced abroad these days.)

So God, keep showing up in our world.
Dazzle us with Your light,
As brilliant as the sun.

This last metaphor is an oldie but a goodie.
After all, He does stay the same through the ages.


Some ask about spiritual fasting,
It's about the heart, I say.

It's not so much about food
But it's about EVERYTHING else.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Love Has Been Writing

My friend taught me that powerful prayer changes destiny.
But Love has been writing my story all along,
So today I will just say Thank You.

Maybe tomorrow I will feel disgruntled,
And I'll have to send up a prayer with angels to fight for my fate
But somehow I feel like they already did.


Everything is geomancy (the mystical art of divination of truth from symbols).

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Give Grace to the People

Tonight I'm really debating within myself,
Should I give up religion
For the sake of Truth?

It has been such a comfort for me,
That old time religion,
But what will be the best way
To give grace to the people in this time?

Monday, June 8, 2015

In the tradition of Rumi, and Hafiz, I present spiritual poetry that melts the mind and heart, opening them easily to Divine wisdom. 

The full book is available on Amazon here:

Sunday, June 7, 2015

My Heart Breaks Open with Love

My heart breaks open with love,
As I see everyone as the vulnerable Christ child,
The divine in human form,
Needing love and protection.

Sunday, May 31, 2015


We've come to a time when one has to go against popular culture to survive.


It comes to the point where, you can FEEL
Inside your chest,
If something feeds your soul or not.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Rahman, The Compassionate

Rahman, The Compassionate
I contemplated my name,
God's great name,
A name that implies no wrong was ever done,
Different from the Merciful or Forgiving,
Rahman is the one who understood you from the start.


Impoverished is he who repeats mistakes without learning from them.

Malleable Structures

Humanity exists in malleable structures of society
One divine being can change everything.

Monday, May 18, 2015

A Courtesy

Speaking is sometimes a courtesy now,
The real communication is already happening on another level.

Friday, May 15, 2015

A Happy Disposition

If you have a happy disposition
You've got one foot out of the matrix already.

Scaling the Mountain

I've been scaling a metaphorical mountain now for a couple of months,
And I am learning to cut loose that which burdens me.

Now, I constantly find strong hand holds,
I seek lightness,
And that which lifts me higher.


Even saints are human underneath.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Peace is the Proof

I wondered how close I was to God;
I wanted to gauge my progress.

I realized that nothing is upsetting me anymore.
I take this as a sign of growth.

God is Alive

Today I felt such joy at seeing the spring flowers,
It was as if I’d never seen flowers before!

Really, I never saw pastels in the sunset,
Like I saw tonight.

I laughed out loud with joy at the sights.

So this is what it’s like when God is alive in you!


There's something majestic in the sunrise, isn’t there?
The whole world lights up in that beauty.
It’s like that when our souls finally rise from their slumber
And when God dawns inside of us,
And we see this life anew.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Show Love

When new people visit my spiritual center sometimes I think,
If I don't show them love who will?

Zikr Breathing Meditation

When you breathe out you say
"Nothing exists but God"
And when you breathe in
You breathe in God...
Do you believe it?!
You breathe in God.

Breathing Meditation

In one breath everything can change.

Saturday, May 9, 2015


    Many of us living in the day to day grind of the world seek to find our value from external measures.  We look to titles, physical objects and acquisitions, and approval from others to show us our worth.

    While we are mirrors for each other, and can learn from what we see around us, our true value must come from within.  If we look to these ephemeral sources for our feelings of worth, we will never be satisfied with ourselves.  We cannot be good enough in that sense.  And we put an undue burden on our fellow brothers and sisters in seeking endless approval.

    However, when we look to the True Source of self worth within ourselves we can feel satisfied and sustained beyond anything we have known from earthly sources.

     If you seek your inner source, your soul, your Divinity, then you will find it.  Spending quiet time in nature, meditating, listening to spiritual music, or talking about the small miracles of life with spiritually-minded friends can help you to get in touch with what is real, and you will feel your fullness.  You will be a king or queen on the earth when you find your worth within.

Monday, May 4, 2015

An Infant Soul/See What It Becomes

Sometimes I hold my soul in the center of my chest like a baby.

Resembling a ball of rippling water,
This light pulsates.

It rests near my heart and seems so delicate.
Yet I know it has within it the power that creates universes.

Still, for now, I shelter it inside,
Not letting any aberrant energies approach.

Let this soul incubate for a while
And see what it becomes!!!

A Soul Giving Birth To Itself

I felt the earthquake in my center,
In my solar plexus.

It was an expansive pain,
Like a soul giving birth to itself,
Necessarily destroying the earth around it,
In order to build anew.

That is what the earth is doing now,
And I feel the sympathy pains.

I pray for a graceful expansion for us all.

Breathe Light

At this point I have to breathe light
Or I might as well not breathe at all.

Saturday, April 25, 2015


I was patient,
Until even Patience herself said "This is enough,"
And circumstances fell in my favor. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

A Soul Running Around Bare

Sometime I see myself,
A soul running around bare.

Should I put something on, I wonder?
But why cover this eternal light with any temporal traits.


Your own soul is your savior.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Vision of Heaven

I had a preview of my death experience:
First I saw all of the saints, prophets, and heavenly beings welcoming me to heaven,
But something was missing...

Then I saw with my ascending soul,
All of the souls on the earth ascending too, in their time,
And in that vision was true bliss.

Drink Light

We are people who drink in light
Wherever we find it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Hidden Treasures and Manifest Grace

If you can give hope
And then give materially as well,
Then that is the evidence which is needed;
You will be both God’s hidden treasures and manifest grace.

Give Hope

God told me,
If you have nothing else to give,
Give hope.

Not A Breaker of Hearts

Someone brought me something that did not please me completely.
This must not be for me, I said.
I had expected more from God.

My friend said,
Are you making deals with God?
You give something and He returns more?

No, I replied.
It is not so much about making a deal as knowing His character;
I know He does not want to disappoint me.
He is not a God who breaks hearts.

How We Really Feel

My soul told my friend's soul such a sweet promise tonight:
I will love you as long as the heavens and the earth exist and then even after that.
That is how we all really feel about each other anyway.

Instead of Reacting

Instead of reacting,
Stop and ask your soul,
Ask God
What should I do?

Flawed Thinking

I am the Creator of my reality,
So to be afraid that something could happen TO me
Is flawed thinking.


You can NEVER successfully escape negativity, grief or bad experiences while existing in the three dimensional world, who's nature is by definition duality.
Transcend and escape.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Unmeasurable Advantage

I was dealing with someone who believed that the three dimensional world was causal.
I felt sorry for her evident lack of mental evolution.

In this exchange I had such an obvious and unmeasurable advantage,
It almost seems unfair.

Friday, March 27, 2015

A Higher Vantage Point

As I ascend on the path
I try to look back and discern the way
Because it is my highest intention that I will be able to instruct others to follow easily.

Don't worry,
Wisdom tells me,
From a higher vantage point, you will see the path very clearly.


I am understanding that there is not supposed to be a delay between what I'm asking for and a divine response.
Any perceived delay is simply a misunderstanding on my part.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

In Your True Form

Tonight I prayed some prayers from the holy traditions,
The trusted ‘words of God’.

But I felt that they were dis-empowering,
Saying that I am only a lowly human,
Limited in knowledge and capacity.

'How can this be true?!'  I cried to God, to my own soul.
'Why would we be encouraged to affirm such atrocities when we are infinite divine beings of light!?'

'These words are not for you’,
Came the reply.
'The beings in the three dimensional world are as if handicapped and these words apply to them;
In knowledge and capacity they are quite limited.
That is nothing, in comparison to what is available to you in your true form.’

Degrees of Separation

The degree to which my prayers are answered
Is an indication to my level of unity with God
Because 100% of His intentions are fulfilled.

The Second Coming

It appears that the second coming of Jesus is now;
That our own souls are that same divine light,
And as we include them in ourselves,
He is resurrected
And we are saved.

Enlightenment Through Reflection

I never thought that enlightenment would come partly through intelligent reflection and understanding,
But why not?

After all, the mind of man can contain Divine Wisdom of the highest order.

The Ninth Dimension

It looks like I am compelled to make my way to the ninth dimension now,
The world of saviors,
Because I am tired of the feeling that I am making this journey alone.

A Reaility That Can Be Trusted

What a strange place to be in,
Floating out in the nothingness between realities,
Where there is no familiar observable truth that can be relied upon.

Illusion has crumbled and yielded open space.
In some ways this seems more suffocating than the matrix.
Onward we push in search of a reality that can be trusted.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Your State

Your state is the most important thing.
If you are in a bad state then everything suffers
And if you are in a good state everything is okay.

Love From a Kind Heart

One small courtesy to a fellow in line at the library had him following me around.
It’s incredible how in need people are
Of love from a kind heart.

If You Take Care of Me

I made a pact with God:
I will take care of your creatures
If You take care of me.

The Advantage

I gave my friend some advice today that is worth repeating;
She complained about her co-workers with a sigh, saying,
"These people believe in the world.”
“You have the advantage then”  I told her.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Key to Your Own House

I came to bring you a key to your own house
I would think that you would welcome me.

I am not a stranger.
Do not fear me,
Don't resist me,
I come with a key to open your own heart.

The State of Realized Connection

Excerpt from a letter I wrote to a friend- I realize it seems poetic!
"I have been praying and hoping that you, that I, that we all realize the truth of our souls' connection with God, and that through living in that state of realized connection, we enjoy bliss in this world. Then, as we approach that state, all of our worldly affairs should order themselves easily in the best way."

A Perfect World

You can never put enough attention on the 3 dimensional world to make things go smoothly in it.
But increasing your attention to your soul and to the Divine,
Will bring you a perfect world.

Escape the Matrix

The majority of people spend the majority of their waking hours doing things that they don't really want to do,
In order to buy things that they really shouldn't have to buy,
And then they recreate in ways that don't really fulfill them.

Something is not right.

Why don't we know WHO WE ARE?!

Institutions crumble around me as I escape the matrix.

I'll call to you from the other side.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

It Won't Be So Hard

I've discovered that enlightenment won't be so hard after all
The Earth herself is conspiring to save us.

The Glory of God

Every day is the resurrection
Every day is the granting of heaven to some,
And the experiencing of hell by others.

I can't wait until the fires of hell are extinguished
And Mercy takes its rightful place
And the Glory of God is all that can be seen in every direction.

Sacred Time

These days I have vowed a fast to the Lord Most High
That no one should approach me but Him.
From inside my own self I hold this standard as well,
No desire, or base thought or word may come near to break this sacred time of the soul.

What is Real

Tonight, after someone spoke to me from what seemed to be
An old fashioned religious perspective for several hours,

I held my head in my hands,
Asking myself 'What is real?!'

What a struggle it is,
Living sanely in this matrix.

What is real?
An angel immediately came to my rescue.
My breathing calmed,
And I could begin to construct reality again.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Love in Front of You

I feel so bad for those people who take offense often,
They don’t recognize love when it is right in front of their faces.

Take Heart

I payed an impossible prayer
That all people, all creations would know the bliss of intimate closeness with God.
Something inside of me said,
Take heart,
With God all things are possible.


Starlight fell from her eyes
Containing wisdom from a thousand universes


I can't pray seriously in public anymore.
If I open my heart sincerely,
There is a danger that I might burst into tears out of love,
Or whirl like a dervish,
Or bow in prostration for undetermined lengths of time,
And people might feel uneasy for lack of understanding.


I love nights like this,
When the books and scriptures are alive!


Sometimes I read the psalms,
Love notes to myself

My heart was cut from the same light
As that prophet king poet lover's.


I've finally found a vision I can believe in!
A purpose I can live for
A passionate mission that I can spearhead.

I believe in the upliftment of humanity's consciousness.

Nothing will stop us now.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Immaculate Conception

We will all experience immaculate conception.

Within us is a seed of divine light,
A spark from heaven.
Nurture this blessing with love.

Soon we will birth that which saves us,
And saves all of humanity.

Not a Bad Wager

I don't know why I'm so afraid to give up the world to gain my soul.
This was never a bad wager.

Eternal Light

I was praying for all of the people in the world,
Especially the enlightened ones who are working on lifting us all up.
I looked for them and felt supported but lonely as I saw their lights scattered across the earth.

But suddenly the veil of time dropped,
And the enlightened beings from all of time permeated the planet.
There was not a space devoid of their eternal light.

1000 Lifetimes

Sometimes I get so high so easily
That I think I'm riding on the prayers of 1000 lifetimes.

Across the Dimensions

It was the need for Him that drove you across the dimensions.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Hope and Distraction

Today I learned that despair and hope are equally disturbing on this path;
Surrendering to the peace of my Soul requires excesses of neither.

In My Favor

Realizing that everything in the Universe is happening in my favor,
I feel that the only words I can ever say are
Thank you.

In The Hopes of Not Scaring Me Away

My friend spoke to me of religious rules today,
Though he respected my innovations,
He was encouraging the standard practices.

After half an hour he suddenly changed his tone,
And spoke in a very open-minded and flexible way about the whole thing.

He said that he was holding this attitude in the hopes of not scaring me away.

I hope that God has the same approach.

Harsh Teachings

I realized why the old religious teachings are mostly harsh to my ears these days;

It's not so much the talk of fire and brimstone,

But rather it is the mention of God,
He, high above us,

As if separate from us,

That is the most abrasive teaching to me now.

A Dilemma

Religious scholars may forbid making innovations in the religions.
But I wonder,
How can we evolve as a species
If we don't think more elevated thoughts than those before us did?

We cannot be stuck in time
With the same understandings of 2000 years ago!
And yet there is a great deal of purity and truth in that "old time religion".
What is a child of the new millennium to do?

Friday, January 30, 2015

God in All

I went through the day,
And before functioning like a normal three dimensional human,
I affirmed Divine Unity.
(How lucky we are that we know the secret that God is the one and only.)

So before having emotional responses to situations
I saw God.
I saw Him in the critiques
And in the apologies for criticism.
I saw Him in the books that we read
He was in the prayers that we said
I saw His hands stretch out in the giving
And in the receiving.

All in all it was a pretty awesome day.

How Convenient

How convenient that our best place of refuge is actually hidden inside of us!

Loaded Dice

I've always been good at games of chance,
Now I know why;
God's dice are always loaded.

When we live connected to higher causal dimensions,
How can things not fall in our favor?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Heaven Now

This world obviously is not all there is,
Or we would live here forever.

Let's spend our time breaking through to heaven now.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Be Still and Know

He never said it better than,
"Be still and know that I am God".

No I

My friend said,
"I beg God's forgiveness".

I said,
"That 'I' is your greatest sin.
Who are you to exist,
When He is all there is?"

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Which Do You Need?

There are forms of worship that enliven,
And also prayers that subdue.
Which do you need?

White Horses

I have always loved white horses.
Now I know why:

I read revelations explaining the white horse
To be the spiritual nature that carries us,
The absolute faith, trust
And power that come from that,
And the freedom,
The wild limitless freedom of your spirit when God is unbridled...

I must have remembered this as a child
When I so loved white horses.

God in You

I looked for God in every church, temple and mosque.
I finally found Him in your eyes.


The spiritual ones have to hold on;
We keep each other strong now,
As the world breaks apart.

There is a new dawn coming,
And we will be free.

Wisdom for the Universes

I had the desire to teach the inhabitants of the universes love and wisdom beyond anything we have ever known.

I quickly hesitated,
Asking myself how I could be qualified to teach all of creation?!
What do I know about the experiences of angels and other dimensional beings?

But I realized that as humans learn we are lifting up those beings who are within us;
They are part of us,
And we lift each other up in the unfolding of this all.

The entirety of all of the universes
Is within the human,
So to teach a human is to enlighten the inhabitants of all of the worlds.

Instantaneous and Lasting

If you can’t do it any other way,
Then dry worship is okay,
But its better to pray with your heart and lips dripping with love.

For me, thinking of God’s gifts to me,
Or spending time with those creations made out of grace,
Such as angels or saints,
And listening to worshipful music,
All of these things can push me into a place where my meditations are on fire.
Then my prayer-filled breath ripples through my body like a great cleansing tidal wave.

I think this is the secret to prayer,
Since the reward is instantaneous as well as lasting.


Sometimes on this spiritual path I think that stagnation is the greatest sin.

Monday, January 19, 2015

No More Waiting

After meditating for hours last night
I am experiencing time differently today;
The usual waiting time for everything is significantly diminished!

I turn on the tea water
And suddenly it is boiling.
I heat the oven
And my food is finished baking already.

I suppose I must be meditating in the time in between,
But I don't even realize it,
All I realize is that there is no more waiting!
Which is lovely, because patience wasn't my strongest virtue.

He Promised

I was a little sad,
But then God said,
I promise to never take anything away,
Without giving you something much better.

Quantum Jumping to States of Wisdom

Sometimes I read my own poems and marvel at the wisdom.

As Einstein once said,
Problems cannot be solved by the same state of consciousness where they were formed.

I'm glad I sometimes quantum leap to high states of mind.


Things like belief, hope, and inspiration are catching,
God make me like a wildfire upon this earth.

I am that I am

I am Hallaj's blood screaming Truth!
I am Jesus's robes that healed those who touched them,
I am Moses's miracle staff and the water that parted,
I am Mary's immaculate womb.

I am voice of the psalmist that melts hearts,
I am the mustard seed of faith, and the mountain that moves,
I am the bush that burns and the one who hears me speak,
I am that I am.

Haqq (Truth)

My blood pulses,
Haqq, Haqq, Haqq,

I hesitate to share this secret as the last person to do so,
Our brother Hallaj,*
Met an abbreviated fate.

But what is fate in the face of eternity?

*Hallaj is a Sufi saint who was martyred for his claim "I am Haqq", or "I am the Truth". When his blood spilled the drops were heard reciting: Truth, Truth, Truth

Rose Colored Glasses

Today I prayed,
Lord, give me your eyes,
Because I know you see with rose colored glasses,
And to you, everything is beautiful.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Nothing is Here but the Divine

Who am I?
And who's to say what is noble,
And what is wretched
In this nature of mine,
When nothing is here but the Divine.

Your Self

Surrender yourself
To the service of your Self.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Hearing Responses

God showed me today that He never ignores me,
That it's impossible for Him to ignore me.
I just have to get better at hearing His responses to my supplication.

For My Good

Sometimes I don't know what's happening,
But I just tell myself,

'It's okay.
The abundance that is,
Is just doing what it's doing,
Working together for my good,
And whatnot.'


There are times when I KNOW my mental capacities are not at their best.

During those times controlling the mind is much harder,
And I thank God for the mercy of distractions.

Just Have Compassion

I begged God to give me a high state and wisdom
To help those suffering around me,
Or to take my life back,
As existing without the power to help would be intolerable.

"Just have compassion",
He said,
Even the simplest of people can do this,
Even those with undeveloped wisdom,
Even animals
Can show love.