Monday, September 29, 2014

Mother Theresa Beautiful

God said,
"Dress beautifully, wear makeup, make yourself fine.
I want to tell you that you are lovely though the mouths of my creatures."

I said,
"I want to be Mother Theresa beautiful,
I want to be heart-meltingly attractive
Due to the kindness I show to humanity."

"You really are beautiful"
He said.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Correct Effort

Mary received Joseph, perhaps the most beautiful man, without effort,
While Zulaikha, Potifar's wife, pined for him for years before Joseph became hers.

Mary received arguably the most beautiful son, by divine intention.
How many millions have to, by their own wishes and prayers, pull sons down from heaven?

But Mary's efforts were never for the things of this world.
She was in the temple worshiping the One,
And the best of this world was delivered to her.

Treatise on Love

Love is our birthright as human beings.  We originate from Divine love, live our lives in this Love, and return to Love.  Love created us, sustains us, and gathers us back to itself in all circumstances.  Yet we do not see this Love for what it is.

Over time we have been misled to believe that we have to earn, or attain love as if it is outside of us.  Love has been tangled with lust, and the ideas of attaining an object of love, of being worthy enough to be loved, and other such limiting beliefs have been propagated. The devil, or Hollywood, or sheer limitations of human consciousness have allowed the prevailing notions of love to be that it is something to attain.  Look more beautiful and you will receive love.  Earn more money and you will get the love of your object of desire. This is ironic, the idea that a being such as ourselves, created out of love, could need a nicer car, a better haircut, or a fancier house, in order to get love. 

Attaining love is one of the major pursuits of the human being.  Getting love from a significant other is one of the most essential elements in human striving.  Then there is also the desired love from family, children, coworkers, friends, etc. that is sought.  The act of procuring love is endless.  We give gifts, flattery… We try to change ourselves to suit others, so that they might give us this elusive Love.

And yet, WE ARE LOVE.  We come from a Father, a God who loves us so much.  He feeds us, clothes us, shelters us, created us, maintains us, and will bring us back to Him.  How is it that we miss the ever-present Love in our lives? 

Meditating on the true nature of our Creator as Divine Love and as ourselves as Beings of Love can help us return to the reality of Love in our lives.  Doing daily meditations for 15 minutes each day for 40 days, affirming the reality of Love in ourselves and our world can help to change our consciousness.  I challenge you to try it! 

Here is an example: God is overflowing, unconditional Love, the sweet ever-present affection of the Universe.  This all-embracing Source of Infinite Love is individualized as me- the Reality of me.

With Love!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Novice, 40 Days of Capturing the Divine with Love Poems from a Spiritual Heart

If you enjoy these poems, feel free to purchase a copy of my poetry book Novice.  For a hard copy email me at   If you want the kindle version visit Amazon here:

Female Energy

To not recognize that female energy has a power and magnetism is ignorance.
To fear it and try to oppress is cruelty.
To respect and honor it is wisdom.

Because of Who I Am

I asked a friend,
Why do good?
Why do you overextend yourself for others?

Do you do it to avoid negativity,
Or God's potential wrath?
Or do you give selflessly
In order to not miss a chance of doing a good deed?...

I do it because of who I am, he said.

I am You

I had an extraordinarily beautiful vision tonight:

Normally I feel God lifting and carrying me.

But tonight while in His arms,
I had the audacity to tell Him that
I am Him.

Then He dropped me!

And I fell...

And I unfurled into Universes.

Whatever the Soul Wants

I was granted a nice lesson tonight at a coffee shop.

I ordered an iced green tea latte,
But I thought to myself,
Really it would be better to have it hot on this cool night.
And surely when I went to pick up my drink,
It was a hot green tea latte.

We always get what our souls truly want,
Even if our minds and our mouths are asking for other things.

Living Dead

There have been times in my life
When I have felt so spiritually deprived
That I was as if dead,
Even though I was living.

How many people forget their own souls,
And seek only the world.
I am so sorry for the living dead.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Not for the Faint of Heart

For those who are curious about the deeper meanings in my poetry,
I'll tell you,
Most of it is heresy
Not for the faint of heart.


Someone asked me if I take pride in this poetry
I said 'no of course not'.
That would be like taking credit for the sunrise,
Or the smell of roses
Or my breathing.
Either no credit is due to me
Or it all is.


Sometimes when I am remembering God these days
The feeling becomes so intense it is physically painful.
It feels like a lightening bolt or electrical circuit is running through my heart.

It's not like in the old days, when I would remember but wonder if there was any effect.
These days the effect is tangible, palpable, undeniable.
Keep remembering.


Sometimes it's comforting to call upon an intercessor.
I asked,
Perfect my faith when it is weak,
Improve my wisdom when it is lacking,
Complete me when I am in need.

Then I saw a space in my heart fill with golden light.

I will look for Him now, in all circumstances,
He is the savior from all trials.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

I Am

I am Jesus in the wilderness
I am gardens underneath which rivers flow
I am the fountain of living water
I am the holy buildings 
and the destination of pilgrims.

I am the prayer
I am the angels singing praise
I am the questioner at the grave.
I am heaven's gates opened wide
I am the peace experienced inside.

I am The Lord Most High
I am the reason why.
I am the way, the light and the truth,
I am the joyfulness known by the youth.

I am the heart of every being
I am the light by which they are seeing.
I am worship
I am wide open space
I am the Most High
l am Grace.

I Am For You

Sometimes, as in the words of my favorite song,
'Heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss'

And we realize that 'All things work together for the good of those who love Him'
And that 'He is with us wherever we may be'.

And when we meet a stranger,
Or a friend,
His heart and his eyes say 'I am for you'
And we remember that 
'No man is an island'.

Then in that grace we know
'Gardens underneath which rivers flow'
And we have 'whatever we ask for,
Whatever we wish'.
And we know the true meaning of 'Those who are brought near'.

(I'm too tired to locate quotes tonight, but generally they are derived from the Bible, Quran and Christian music)

In His Arms

One step towards Him.. Ten towards you...
What is all this talk of steps to one who is in His arms?

I Am Peace

I am Jesus in the wilderness,
I am the peace that passes understanding.
Now I have entered a sacred dimension, 
As all people should from time to time 
For rejuvenation of the soul.