Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Wished for Hereafter

The great saint Rabia prayed:
Oh God, my whole occupation and all my desire in this world,
of all worldly things, is to remember Thee,
And in the world to come, of all things of the world to come, is to meet Thee.
This is on my side, as I have stated; now do Thou whatsoever Thou wilt.

We are in Rabia's wished for hereafter now,
When we see God in everyone we meet.
In every word, in every quality, in every action,
We find Him, the Beloved.

The Permanency of Grace

Jesus came to me this morning wearing armor
So I didn't recognize him at first,

And he created some kind of barrier around me,
A force field to protect me from devils, and sin.

Will this defense remain strong, I wonder? The world is vast and time is long.
I am too jaded to believe in the permanency of good things...

Believe in the permanency of grace, he says.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Metaphors of God

"Listen to yourself and in that quietude you might hear the voice of God".

The last lines of the great poet Maya Angelou
Show that she is on her flight to the land of fallen poets,
Where the likes of Rumi, Rabia and Saints Catherine and Theresa feast perpetually on thoughts of God, words of God, metaphors of God,
Pure love of God.

 I hope I will see you there some day.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Prayer Spreads Like Wild Fire

Today another person told me that a story I shared had inspired him.
He prays daily now because of what I said.
And he even shared my story with another friend on the other side of the world.

I feel like flint,
That has created a spark,
And started a wild fire!
Let prayer spread to the ends of the earth.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Sentiment is Real

Some people doubt that Jesus died on the cross to save humanity.
I don't really think the matter is relevant in light of the knowledge that he would.

Wouldn't you?  If you had a chance to save everyone in the world from suffering,
Wouldn't you sacrifice your own life?

And that sentiment is worthy of the utmost love and respect.

Radiant Like A Sun

There are people who's souls flicker like faint candle flames,
Barely lit.
And there are those who's hearts and faces shine like stars,
Enough to light up the earth.

Polish your heart. Breathe in light
Become radiant like a sun.

A Vessel to Meet My Lord

I've heard that remembrance is a form of meeting,
So I prefer to use my mind as a vessel to meet my Lord.

The Light of Prayer

There are some shadows in the heart that cannot be dispelled by intelligence, reason or reassurance.
The light of prayer is the remedy for these.

Strong Enough to Lift Us Up

God let me feel the burdens of others
And nearly be crushed under their weight
So that I could lift myself up with prayer
And become strong enough to lift others too.

I am a Purifying Fire

I am a purifying fire,
I am like the Bahai temple in the East.

Before reaching the sacred heart that is the Bahai temple,
There are levels of gardens that one must pass through,
In order to purify him or herself.

May my presence strip away sin from all who approach me,
So that my companions are as sweet as angels.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Love in the Air

When it comes to love I am like the canary in the mine;
The first one to sense it in the air,
And the first one to surrender my life to it.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Everything is a Prayer

On days like these everything becomes a prayer
Exercising becomes a mediation
Bathing is a baptism
Eating is communion
This world is a holy monument
The earth is scared ground
Touch is healing
Speech is charity
Sleep is service
Breathing is remembering
These days, everything is prayer.

Turn Jealousy into Hope

You should never be jealous of others' spiritual gifts.
If you see a gift that someone has
Observe it,
Like it,
You will have it too,
At some point.
From experience I tell you this
Change jealousy into hope.

I seal this assurance with gifts from my own hand.

Intimate Companion

Sometimes I look at people and I wonder
Do they know that this is heaven?

Then, as I sit in gardens
I wonder,
Besides these angels
(Whom I adore)
And our fairy friends,
Where are the intimate companions that You have promised?

Certainly they are an integral part of paradise
Aren't they?

And The King says,
Until further notice
I hope you will accept Me
As a suitable companion?

What can I say to this?

Conversations like this cause me to spend most of my days with my soul on its knees. Love is too heavy. I cannot stand.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


God, teach me how to fight
And show me how to win.

I will have dominion over the principalities inside of me.

As they did for Solomon with his ring,
All will bow under my sovereignty.

Most people don't even know that they are fighting and losing these battles constantly.
When has the kingdom of your body and mind been fully under your control?

Heightened Spiritual Sensitivity

Waking up early can cause heightened spiritual sensitivity.
There are days when I do battle with hell and earth for my own mind and soul.
The angels are close, but the devils seem closer.

God, grant us support in times of spiritual warfare.

Tonight I was Chiron

Tonight I was Chiron,
The mythical wounded healer.
Even with a broken heart
I lifted my hands full of light
In the name of mercy and healing.

But God said rest, heal yourself.
He is close to the broken hearted.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Sweet Morning/Angel Ingenuity

If you want to wake up to pray in the early hours of the morning,
I was told by a friend,
You should pray before bed,
And petition God that the angels come to wake you.
Then, if you fail to wake up,
You can blame it on the angels.

So last night I prayed.  At 4:30 am I had this internal dialogue;
'If I don't get up my friend will probably sleep too..
Well I can blame it all on the angels...'

But the angels know me well so they reminded me:

You (and your friend) have homework to do today. It is almost guaranteed that you will function better after having prayed.  Why miss this opportunity?!

Ahh, appealing to my academic and logical sides.
So up I got.  And she got up.  And the morning was like heaven on earth.
Thank you, angels for your ingenious intervention!

               VIDEO Lovely angels by our side, even in the dead of night...

In God's Heart/Fix Your Eyes

It's not hard to see God.
Fix your eyes on Him as you would with any desired object.

Look for His qualities in your peers,
And even in your so called enemies.

Look for His wisdom in all of life's occurrences.

I'm sitting here in God's heart,
Praying that you see Him.

All Day Long

So this is what happens when you wake up to pray at 4:30 in the morning,
You can't get God off of your mind, all day long.

Ecstasy Praying

Sometimes I wonder if God pays any attention to the prayers that I utter in states of spiritual ecstasy,
They are incredibly, ridiculously, exceedingly benevolent prayers for the whole world,
But I realize at this point He's really the one praying anyway.

See God

In the lowest heavens they see God once a day.
In higher heavens you see Him everywhere,
Even when you look in the mirror.