Monday, April 28, 2014

Faithful Care

Doctors can be a great representation of God's faithful care,
Selfless, loving, attentive, eager to help and to heal,
He loves us more than we can imagine.

God is Enchanted

God Himself is enchanted
When sounds of love resonate
From human hearts.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Complete Satisfaction in Revelation

Some people accept these lines,
Others pass them by.

This is inconsequential to me,
Since the revelation in itself provides complete satisfaction.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Eternal Secrets in These Lines

There are eternal secrets in these lines
For those who have insight,
And senses beyond the physical.

One of Three Things

When you surrender,
One of three things will inevitably happen;

God will fight your battles for you,
And you will prevail.

God will give you the guidance and strength to overcome adversity,
And you will prevail.

Nothing will change,
But you will gain wisdom into underlying circumstances,
And you will have peace.


Two factions are disputing.
I tell the frustrated side
That they are losing because their faith is weaker and their wisdom denser.
When they bow down in surrender to God and their prayers reach the heavens,
Then they will certainly be on the winning team.

Good Advice

See God when you worship Him
Or, if you cannot,
At least worship as if you are certain that He sees you.

Friday, April 18, 2014

See Yourself as Exalted

Don't settle for being mediocre.
See yourself as exalted
And let your worship reflect this true station.

Mine or His

Who knows where the separation of man and God begins.
Is this my breath or His
Is this my body or His
Is my wisdom or His
Is this my life or His?


My friend said,
I am a flawed creature made by a flawed Creator.
I said,
You are perfect creature made by a perfect Creator.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


I had a stomach ache
From mystical or physical causes, who knows.

As I sat to pray and heal myself I looked up,
And saw angel Raphael saying to me,
The breath carries disease out and healing in, he reminded me.

(Raphael is the Archangel of air and healing.)

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Pray like your life depends on it,
Because your quality of life does.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Absolute Divine Unity

I'm tired of arguing in favor of Absolute Divine Unity,
With those who still think that they live in Duality.

When Did I Ever Let You Go

I pray "Lord, do not let our hearts go astray after being rightly guided!"
I add "Never let me go again!"

He says, "When did I ever let you go?"

Pure hearts

I encourage my friends to cultivate pure hearts
Even if they insist on loving created things of this world.

Sometimes I am sad for them,
Their hearts may break a thousand times from worldly things
Until they finally find peace in God.

Smash Your Idols

Any name you speak more than God's
Is like a poison in your mouth.
Idols are created this way.

Be like Abraham,
Smash your idols,
And become God's bosom friend.