Friday, February 28, 2014

Keep Your Eyes Glued to God

Tonight I watched a concert,
And I marveled at how the musicians each played their individual instruments
As they gazed intently at their scrolls.

What really amazed me about this is that they did not need to look at each other to be in perfect harmony.
As long as each one kept his eyes glued to his own piece,
He played his part in perfection,
And the whole orchestra resonated with surpassing harmony and beauty.

It is like this that the world functions;
Keep your eyes glued to God
And play your piece.

Make Me the Evidence

Yesterday I thought a mundane thought,
And God's answer to my need caused me to pray one of my sweetest prayers.
Let me explain:

During the day I was thinking, I'm hungry but where I am going to eat dinner, I do not know what can possibly satisfy me...
I don't eat meat, but I need something substantial to fill me on these cold winter days.

When I arrived at the restaurant my friend had chosen, and ate the dish she recommended,
I was more than satisfied!

I knew that God was in the conception of the meal.
It seems to be a small thing,
But the miracle is, 
Before I even knew what I wanted or needed He was preparing it for me!

What a Great God we have.

I thought, if this one meal could fill my heart with faith,
If this bit of food could be such an evidence for You,
How much more could I be?

And I prayed one of the best prayers of my life:
God, make me a clear proof
Of your wonderful providence to people,
Let their faith be bolstered when they see me,
In my actions, and in my words let the people see evidence of Grace,
Such that their hearts bow down in love to You.

Dimensions of Grace

I just got up to check the potatoes.
I knew that if I started writing poetry tonight,
I could be transferred into a dimension of grace,
Where I forget all earthly things
And the food might burn.

A Good Reputation

I was going to make big plans for my life,
But I've decided to trust the Greatest Planner,
He has a good reputation after all.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Divine Nature and Capacities

I feel God's love now like a drug,
It floods my being and makes me forget everything else.

I know on some level that I am holding it at bay,
This love,
Because if I let it penetrate into deeper parts of my heart
I may lose normal human nature and capacities.

What am I worried about though?  
I will then inherit Divine nature and capacities.

Two Kinds of Thoughts

There are thoughts that focus on God and grace,
I call those fasting thoughts,
And then there are the other thoughts.

I try to reside in the former more than the latter as much as possible.

God's Character

God's character is a promise
Enough to bring us peace,
For life, death and everything in between.

He knows my destiny and will make me happier than I could ever make myself.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Infinite Reasons to Glorify

This morning I praised God that I arrived at work swiftly even after the storm.

And I would praise Him even if there had been traffic, as He would have at least gotten me there safely

And if I had had an accident I would praise Him that I remained intact and unharmed, always protected...

And if I had been injured I would praise Him for healing me, the great healer that He is

And if He didn't heal me I would praise Him for bringing me back to Himself.

In any circumstance, there are infinite reasons to praise
Let us forever praise and glorify.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Deliciousness

Last night I dreamed that life is like a tiny tasty brownie,
And that if you eat it absentmindedly, thinking about this or that, it is quickly gone and you miss the deliciousness of the experience.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Love and Value

I love those who kept me captive
For teaching me the value of my freedom.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Constant Refuge

It's amazing how many of our own thoughts are enemies to us.
I seek constant refuge in my Lord.

Another Symptom of Heaven

Today in the people's giving and withholding I only saw one hand,
One Giver and one Withholder.
Oh the joy, the beauty in seeing everything that happens as a gift from the Caregiver of my soul.

Did she pass you by when offering desserts to the people?
Don't worry there is sweet tea sitting on the table for you instead!

Did he not stop to chat with you?
God has better things for you to talk about, with other people.

In the giving and withholding,
In the speech and in the silence,
There is only one Great Lover.

Thank God I have stumbled across this glorious experience.
It is another symptom of Heaven.

Symptoms of Heaven

Am I in Paradise?
My own words are like prayers and sweet nectar that nourishes me.
Thank you God for symptoms of Heaven on earth.

Dark Nights of the Soul

Arrogance is like an enemy
Who can take a man down
By convincing him
To say to himself:
I don't need to pray, meditate or read.
I don't need to think or speak about God.
I'm spiritual.
I'm a good guy and that is enough.
Then men wonder why they fall into dark nights of the soul.

Love and Illness

The model of love that we are taught in society nowadays is akin to addiction or illness.
They feed us a love that is like poison.

They lead you to believe that if you focus your hopes, your dreams and aspirations on one person, 
You will reach eternal bliss.
If you make one man or woman the object of your affection,
Then you will eventually attain satisfaction.

Restricting love like this is one of the greatest evils and injustices that can be done to oneself or others.
Love was meant to flow from our hearts like a river,
Into every set of eyes we see,
Into every needy human heart we meet,
Into every situation where our actions can exemplify and glorify God.
Don't restrict your love.

Imagine how you would suffer if you restricted the blood flowing from your heart. 
Do not restrict the love flowing from your heart.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Friend in Every Creature

When you are friends with God
You have a friend in every creature,
Because He will love you from within them all.

When We Shine

Today after the snow
The sun appeared more radiant
When snow covered objects
Reflected its light.

It's like that
When we shine with His divine qualities.
God's radiance is magnified by us.

Exuberant Bliss

I think I know how God feels sometimes!
I created an angel video,
Piecing together images with a sweet song,
But when I watched it play
It was far sweeter than I expected!

I understood how God must feel
When He sees His creation in action.
What exuberant bliss!


Every Moment

This morning I thought,
"I like that we have no responsibilities to eachother God
After the morning prayers have been completed
Until the next time for praying...

Except, of course, that You take
Constant and excellent care of me
And I remember You in every moment."