Sunday, December 29, 2013

Just When I Think

Just when I think You are ignoring my prayers,
That you're turning a cold ear to my cries and a blind eye to my suffering,
And I storm out of one of Your holy places in childish frustration,

That's when You give me what I've been asking for.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Undying Life

This morning under the melting snow in a nearby graveyard
The grass was green, lush an very alive.
The storm had covered the world in white, and who would have guessed that the grass was like new underneath,
What a sign of undying life.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

What if Gabriel Comes to Every Woman

What if Gabriel comes to every woman
And announces the coming of a holy child,
Only most women don't hear him?

Your Commandments are my Fortress

Your commandments are my fortress,
A wonderful shelter in times of confusion.
My spirit kneels behind the solidness of Your promises to me,
And mine to you.
And no attacking forces can reach me.
And the storm passes.

What A Trick!

When the angels tell me with understanding,
And without a hint of condemnation,
That all of my desires are holy,
And that I did not come to this earth to be disappointed,
I think they know that such sweet, compassionate, understanding empathy like that
Melts my heart so much
That I forget my desires altogether!
What a trick...

Absolute Certainty

I had a moment of absolute certainty
Where I knew without a doubt
That all Christians who love God,
Will be saved and will not be disappointed.

How could Love not embrace those who come with such strong love and pure hearts?

The same must hold true for all Jews, Muslims, all of those of any faith,
And too for all who love strongly without having any particular faith,
All will be saved.  None will be disappointed.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Floating Sabbaths

I take floating sabbaths.
I don't think God minds.

I just spend hours and days loving, worshiping, meditating
And reflecting upon Him
Whenever I feel like it.

I don't think He minds my lack of reverence for the days of the week;
He's not usually very rigid with me about these things.

Emmanuel, God is With Us

Sometimes Raphael, the archangel of air
And in charge of healing,
Sees that I'm in need of a little tune up.

He comes and whispers in my ear,
Emmanuel, God is with us.

Then my breathing changes,
My lungs fill
Every cell in my body breathes in life
And expands in that dimension.

Emmanuel, God is with us.

Ransomed Captives

I feel myself to be a ransomed captive
Who has bought through blood, sweat, tears, prayers and love
the freedom of my own soul

Or who has been set free by grace.

But now I feel I must be the Harriet Tubman
For the souls that are still enslaved.

I travel back and forth between the places of freedom and oppression
so that all people will be brought up to the spiritual liberation that they deserve.

I try not to reside too long in the dark places.
I sometimes wonder if my own freedom is in jeopardy
But at this point that doesn't matter.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Do The Math

There's a promise,
You take one step towards God and He takes 10 steps towards you.

But the face of God is everywhere you go!
Every step is towards Him.

So, if you do the math you'll soon see,
Union is inevitable!

Cultivate the Heart

Sincerity is not possible unless there is love,
So cultivate the heart.

With So Much Love

When I catch myself thinking a negative thought about anyone
I remember a favorite verse of mine from a good book, 

'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'
And I think, 
If God came in front of me confused,
Rude, sick, uneducated, unable... how would I see Him?

With so much love, only with so much love.

And He comes in every form.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


I happen to know that the moment of conception of a child is instrumental in writing the destiny of that child.
I am so blessed to have chosen such spiritual parents,
That they recited the names of God before my birth.

Now when I hear the names, or think of God, my soul is blissful, nourished and feels at home.

I wished to give that gift to all humans,
That they too may have been conceived in the light of God’s great beauty.

So God let me understand that there is conception in every moment 
And that if, before meeting a person, I focus on the names and attributes of the Divine,
Then the human that I meet will become that beauty and will glow in those qualities.

So High

I'm so high,
So in love with God tonight,
After coming home from work
To a quiet evening alone with Him.

What a date we've had!  Now I am thoroughly distracted,
And can hardly bring myself down to earth
To do normal things like writing poetry
Watching inspirational videos online
Doing chores around the house...

Actually, I think I can keep floating while I do the dishes....

Monday, December 16, 2013

A Glorious Light-Filled Temple

I've done it!
I've cultivated my own consciousness
To the point that I prefer being in my own presence
With my own thoughts and wisdom,

Rather then being distracted
By the nonsense that the media would feed me,
Or by idle gossip,
Or fantasy.

My mind has become a glorious light-filled temple!

A Heart Helmet

Today my co-worker joked that she might need to get a helmet for protection,
Because she keeps bumping her head.

I wonder if there is a heart helmet, for hearts that keep getting into trouble?

I Want Your Alchemy

If you love me you have to give me gold.
But I'm not like the other girls,
I don't want bracelets,
I want words of gold.
I want your prayers for me.
I need your alchemy-
Turn your base desires into gold
And pray for my healing,
My happiness, my peace, my divinity.
Those are gifts that I can accept from you.

Keep My Composure

So I think these days that God is teaching me to
keep my composure
in the face of adoration and affection from men.
What an interesting lesson.
I feel like soon, He's going to take off the training wheels to 
test my balance...
And really try to bait me!

From Infinity to Infinity

I'm like one of those birds,
That doesn't do well in captivity,
Except in God's cage,
Where the bars stretch from infinity to infinity.

Zikr, or Sweet Remembrance

Remembrance of God is so sweet,
Thank God the worldly thoughts have lost their flavor to me!

Sometimes I have a sinful thought,
But it's gone by the time I exhale.

The Softest Heart

I know why He put me on the front lines
To heal His people from affliction
Because I have the strongest armor
And the softest heart.

Human love and Divine love

Today I was afraid that human love and divine love might get confused with each other and cause trouble...
You see, every soul is a potential soul mate on this path,
But if we take that too literally we may end up with some seriously confusing sleeping arrangements!
Let's not forget the One for who's sake all love is given and received.

Until Our Hearts Are Fulfilled

'Are you injured?'
I ask potential clients of mine.
But I know we are all injured in some way
Until our souls go home and our hearts are fulfilled.

Lost Me to Love

This preacher just lost me to love
I think he might still be talking about something,
But I've stepped out for tea with God.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

One Question

Rabia asked four essential questions about destiny and fate.

I ask just one,
God, will I enjoy the unity and status of a beloved of yours,
And the nearness and privileges that that brings forever?

And God replied, 'Of course, my dear. Who does not?'

Friday, December 13, 2013


I love that I drive by a graveyard every day.
It reminds me to pray for the dead,
And the living,
And to discern what is truly important in life.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

I Love You (or My Teacher)

When he talked all I heard was 'I love you'
And I felt better.


Sometimes I think a sinful thought,
But by the time I exhale it's gone.

After Ebb Comes Flow

I thought I had a dry spell,
That the creativity might have run out,
But after ebb comes flow,
And today everything becomes a poem!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I Don't Know Why it Offends Me So Much

I don't know why it offends me so much,
When in passing conversation someone implies that we might need more than prayer in life.
Everything in my faculties rejects this
Because my cells know that prayer brings blessings and alignment with grace,

And grace is the source of all abundance,
All fortune, all serendipity, all food, all money,
Every friend we ever had or will have,
Every loved one who brings us joy and comfort.

If only people remembered the right way to go about these things... first seek heaven and then earth falls at your feet.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Abundant as the Air

Some people seek and suffer for lack of love,
And yet God's love is as abundant as the air.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

My Gentle Coaxing Touch

I once saved a kitten from the inside of a car engine.
It relaxed under my gentle coaxing touch,
And I was able to pull the little resistant baby out.
I hope, with that same touch, I can pull humans from the confines of this world.


Sometimes when people speak of You I want to cry, or laugh, or scream.
It's hard to keep love undercover.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

What To Do

God, I tried to be one of your saints,
But I still cut my hands when Joseph walks into the room*

Worldly beauty... What to do...

(* A reference to the spiritual story where the women in Egypt were so mesmerized by the prophet Joseph’s exceeding beauty that when he walked into a room they didn’t notice that they were cutting their hands as they cooked.)

Friday, December 6, 2013

We're merging

I feel like I'm secretly drinking,
While everyone around me tries to soberly and rationally talk about my Lord.

They debate the topic of ownership,
Are our actions ours or God's?

Meanwhile, we're merging!  If only they knew...
Now that You and I are one,
I create the morning sunrise.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

My Last Prayer

Sometimes when I'm praying,
I hold onto my words tenderly thinking
What if this is my last prayer?

It's like when you're writing a beloved,
And you don't want to end the letter without expressing your affection.
God, if this is my last poem, know that I loved You.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Rush Hour Saints

I was in rush hour today and noticed that I got to my destination so much faster than usual.
When the herd is moving with speed, it's natural to travel swiftly and easily with the group.

That's why it's good to keep company with spiritual strivers, saints, and mystics,
They are on their way to God and you will have to keep up!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Sure Thing

I want my connection and communication with God to be certain, a sure thing
Like when you are at home and the lights are out,
And you reach for something,
And the surroundings are so familiar so that even in complete darkness,
You are sure you will find what you seek.

That's how I want to reach for God.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Heal with Light

I look at the crystals that are used for healing; to gather, magnify and reflect light,
And special frequency laser beams that are targeted at healing too.

This is advanced technology for the scientific realm in these times,
But did you know that unassisted our own souls can heal with light?

Nice Effects

Praying has nice effects.
For example, now I sometimes feel my heart and spirit praying on their own
While I do other things!